Google and Sun: the world will change this week

I'm hearing a web office based on OpenOffice. If this is true, then this is BIG.
Microsoft: the shit hath hit the fan.

The title, by the way, came from a recent post on Jonathan Schwartz's weblog.


  1. ahh... that web-based office rumour has been flying around for a few years, spearheaded by sun. I like sun, and they've been making class A products (id love to get my hands on an ultrasparc) and software (the looking glass project, for one). If sun does make a break-through with this . . .

  2. well, anything that will make Microsoft's monopoly insignificant, then I think Sun is willing to do it.

    Their "collaboration" though is underwhelming at it current state. It would just be a google toolbar - sun java installer bundle. Not as big deal as the web office that everyone was hoping for (gosh, how did I fall for that? :p ), but if they are really serious about this collaboration, then it's something that the industry would be watching for, no matter what MS say.

    Then again, every News item with Google's name in it would be watched anyway.


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