Remote, err, Nintendo Revolution Controllers

UPDATED, at the request of my editor.

You'd have to give Nintendo the hand for being creative, bold and innovative enough to market something as out of the box as that.

Here's the 2-page review at IGN, and of course, the gallery

And here's a link to the video page (courtesy of the new Google Video Search, and the one who uploaded this video)

Someone said: "i don't like it, it's not for gamers, it's for active people." Good point.


  1. I think you should post a link kung saan they people can upload the commercial. Mukhang kasing pang ON/OFF lang dito yung remote. You need to see the controller in action to be WOWed.

  2. pero, yeah. you should see the video. :) sige, will obey. hehe. download link next time.


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