Cleaned up my sidebar - the return of the fox

Some neat DHTML tricks from here made my sidebar look a lot cleaner. I also changed its color to yellow coz i find the lack of clear distinction between the side bar and the main content very hard for the reading eyes. I hope you find the change as an improvement too. And yes, i added the long-overdue firefox banner, which I promptly put up after my last post.

The beta version of the new IE 7 is looming in the horizon, and knowing Microsoft, they will make a lot of noise about that. So I think it's just necessary for each of us (firefox fans) to throttle up our individual firefox campaigns again. The Browser Wars Redux... Exciting times ahead.

So Here's my question for those still using Internet Explorer: what's keeping you from using firefox? I'd like to know, if you don't mind.

(I know Hannah would be so mad at me for this... My 30 minute extension turned into a 4 hour blog-fest! I know, I really have a serious discipline problem. Sorry Han.)


  1. The layout looks neat! I like white, obviously *laughs* because my main blog is white.

    I don't know why other people stick around with IE. Force of habit, I guess. *shrugs*

    I mean, IE - I just use it to view some sites that require IE. But everything else works fine on Firefox. When I am using my laptop, there's always w3m - hahahaha! w3m on emacs ;)

    (Good grief! Here I go again with the Emacs plugging... Are you a vi guy? An Emacs guy? Nano? Pico? Joe?)

  2. Because it's required by the company. We are all Microsoft folks here.

    Ang yabang yabang! :p

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Clair*, funny thing: when i try to visualize your blog my brain renders it in off-white. Must be the grays...

    Angel how required is IE there? I would assume that your usage of the browser requires IE-specific features (intranet?)

    What do you think are your company's reasons for requiring it? Political or Technological?

    And another thing: Is it me or Clair that you're calling mayabang? :p or Microsoft? hehe

    *(I guess I'm a VI guy, but sacha's planner-mode is really tempting me to try emacs. But first I have to install Linux again.)

  5. GRRRR!!!!

    Someone already got ahead of me!!! (re: "clean" sidebar ["hide-able" links/prev. posts/archives]).. I was planning a really big surprise for my new blog, but, now.. Heh.. What's the use.. X-(

    P.S. I'm a vi guy.

  6. @lol niks.

    Sorry. It's actually an impulse-driven mini-redesign which just started with me wanting to change the sidebar's color.

    Anyway, we will still be waiting for your redesign. :D. And i know you would make your own scripts. I just recycled this one.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Naisip ko lang niks, First i used the same template that you were using, and now i went ahead and made my sidebar look like what you wanted yours to be.

    im evil.

  9. Hi Mark!

    I'm not sure why but the only word I've been getting from the IS personnel is that it's really bawal. I guess it's the policy around here. They provide us with the software we need (and pay for it) and so we can't just use anything we fancy. Actually it's more than that. Should we need to install any software on the PC they've rented out for us, we need their permission.

    Which of course, is a legitimate thing because we're using their resources anyway. And, yeah we're supposed to be working. All internet activities are being monitored including this one.

    Since my job requires me to program on Windows platform to run on machines with Windows as the OS, I'm practically a Microsoft person as well. I actually just came out of a Macros in Excel class. Of course I've heard a lot of Microsoft flaws and encountered them but overall, Windows doesn't give me as much headache as before except of course when I need Microsoft to run on my home PC and I need 20 thousand pesos to obtain a license because the "student" license I get from UP has a problem.

    I don't know but I dislike it when the topic of conversation has become full blown OS wars and people who hopelessly hate Microsoft relentlessly berate everything about it but who nevertheless own a pirated copy of the software and couldn't even program a single thing on Windows. I mean, there are also good Windows programmers out there, right? And why do I sound so defensive? :p

    I use Firefox at home though.

    Syempre ikaw sinasabihan ko ng mayabang and I was just kidding :p

  10. Ngek publish pala yung na-click ko, Mark pakidelete nito and nung first post ko na mahaba. Thanks! angel

  11. ha? why? I like what you just said. (and i was about to make my reply)

  12. Nope, I meant na-doble kasi yung comment ko. The last one was the correct one. Yung first, I meant to preview lang but I accidentally hit Publish. It's the 8th comment that should be deleted :)

  13. angel,

    Software lockdown in companies are not really surprising. And the companies are within their rights to do that. I have no qualms about that.

    This is how sort my "feelings" for the Microsoft:

    I'm neutral to the developers (Microsoft devs, not developers for the windows platform). I like some of them. Afterall, they just do what they are told to do. And I DON'T have any reason to believe that Microsoft developers are NOT brilliant.

    Generally i dislike the corporate part of Microsoft. (as much as I dislike the corporate parts of other Tech Companys) Why? Because i put on my moral glasses when I say that. I have nothing against a company who wants to be succesful as long as they do it within a moral context. Actually moral is even too a strong a word for that. Even FAIR would do. But you know what? Microsoft has has failed many times in being FAIR. Netscape. Java. Sendo. Opera. And I'm sure a lot there are a lot more other "victims" of Microsoft's "strategies" that I know little of.

    This is the strongest reason why I REALLY like Google. So far the Don't be evil policy has never failed me yet. And that is why I trust Google but not Microsoft.

    And about Good Windows programmers, of course. If you're the platform that 98% (?) of the world relies on, it's only fair to assume that you have brilliant people developing for you. And if you're a developer and you're snubbing that 98% market share simply because you think micro$oft sux, then there's something really wrong with you.

    But I guess that the problem of some companies in using Windows is the vendor lock-in. A company that relied heavily on MS for technology might find hard to shift platform later one should the need arises (eg Software costs). This is a very well known fact. And even the Top-brass MS execs knows this.

    Yes, if a full-blown OS War means a clash of the zealots, i dislike that too.

    Btw, ikaw mayabang. hehe. :p

  14. Mark,

    Hala! Pano ko naging mayabang? Sorry if I sounded like it.

    You asked why people are still using IE so I answered.

    Well, you're right in many ways. I was voicing out my frustration over my being stuck with IE, at least while I'm using this PC. I know some of the "evil" deeds of Microsoft so I can't really blame people if they start complaining about it and I'm actually one of them.

    My dilemma is I really don't have much of a choice because this is my job. And it's not a good thing to rely on something that you don't believe so much in because you think this thing you're depending on is not being fair to everybody. See, I share your sentiments also about Microsoft's failure of being fair, and well, its disregard to be--how do I say this--ethical.

    And the least I can do is to do my job well which in this case I am not because I'm reading other people's blogs. :p

    I don't insult people's intelligence when I assume that they know what they want in a software, right? But I only feel, enlighten me if it's not fair, that the overzealous developers of the other side don't really have the right to condemn (such a strong word) Microsoft unless they're as good as the brilliant Windows programmers I have come to respect.

  15. [angel: ]
    i have LOTS of microsoft licenses. i took them from my old company. Ü

    what's aggravating about ms is that they are the ones who are expected to have a smooth-running os. unfortunately, that isn't the case - i have yet to encounter a crash on a well-set-up gentoo or debian machine, while even casual windows users have encountered the BSOD at least several times. and i'm not being biased here: i'm a windows app programmer.

    besides, i still use ie. i find it easier to exploit iis systems with that browser.

    [about zealous 'other' programmers]
    they really ARE zealous, and they really show it. it's kinda like apple users and their passion for the machine, which is a weird kind of fanaticism. entire books have been written on this.

    about that assumption regarding a cash cow like ms having the best devs (or so they are supposed to be), i couldn't agree more. and it's not just the vendor lockin: the world has relied on ms apps so much that a shift to other platforms would create massive personnel trauma, especially for those who aren't as tech-savvy.

  16. My main blog is not

    heheh =)

    Yes, try Emacs and Planner! Good grief! It was Planner that drove me to use Emacs more.

    Ah, you and Nikki are both into vi =) Coolness! I must learn vi too :)

    And by the way, I recently encountered Ramil Sagum online. He has a blog. Turns out he is your batchmate. What a small world!

  17. nothing stops me except at work where we get a fixed set with applications. Home I use Firefox and Opera (Opera is the best!)

  18. @leifh, of course I will disagree with your last statement. :p heh.

    Clair, yup - i followed your discussion with Ramil on his blog. I'm from UPLB though so I don't think I know him, pero yeah, small world.

  19. hey, i'm using firefox now and for the first few months i've seen no improvement. in fact, medyo atras pa nga. a couple of times, my browser would just close for no good reason (as in!)

    anyway, now, i have considerably less pop up ads and spyware but there are still some chinks. hindi ko rin mapansin ang tunay na difference. i myt revert to IE once the version 7 is out.

  20. Hi po. I'm glad that you've jumped wagon na din pala. It's just unfortunate that you're experiencing those problems :(. I'd really like to help.

    Regarding your last point, I think it's not a question of whether Firefox is really better than IE or not(SHORT ANSWER: IT IS), but more of how discoverable these improvements are. Hopefully in my next post I can address this problem. And no, you don't have to be someone with a blog name that's as stiff as mine to be able to enjoy using Firefox.

    watch this space ;p

    Before I forget, what Operating Sustem and what version of Firefox are you using?

    One more thing, for a trivia... Before Firefox rocked the internet , back when IE still sat comfortably on it's 90-plus % browser share (it's already below 90 now), Microsoft announced that there will no longer be a stand-alone version of Internet explorer that will be released.(i.e. Next IE = Longhorn IE). Guess what happened next...

  21. o yan mark,am now using firefox as my default browser. astig talaga yung tabs...Ü


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