Google Talk Saves...

This just in (after my shameless work nap) -- Google Talk can now save your chat history in your Gmail account. Now i really have to secure my Gmail password. Checked my Gmail to see the changes and voila - a brand new "Chats" tab. But that's just the half of it, now they're teaching Gmail how to talk. They're integrating into Gmail a browser based implementation of Talk, complete with a buddy list that will appear under the tab Quick Contacts (under the curent Contacts) and gtalkr-like floating chat sub-windows. Wow. (thanks Gtalkr guys, it was good while it lasted. you still beat Gmail to the punch implementing this...)

A few things of note:
  • the gmail chat feature will be rolled in stages, as all new gmail features are. But now the Talk history saving is already working in my account.
  • the Google Talk chat window now adds a handy drop down arrow where you can do two things: 1. go off the record to temporarily disable history saving, and 2. block the current user
  • you can set you availability status from Gmail, so you need not be "visible" during your email sessions.
  • the Google Talk UI of notifiying you of the new feature is nice.
  • This is still not in the official Google blog. Why should I care? because the last time i linked to them, they brought me a lot of traffic. heh.
  • my officemate is sleeping again. Ok, that was not really related to Talk.
OM Malik notices, (at the urging of some readers, and according to him, one of the gtalkr guys... so they know already) let the buzz begin..

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