He is staunchly in favor of net neutrality, and has promised to make it a priority to reinstate it in his first year in office. He has proposed intelligent programs for increasing technology education and access to children. He doesn’t believe the FCC went far enough in their proposed rules for opening up the 700MHz spectrum auctions. He wants to see increases in the number of H1-B visas given out each year. He strongly supports research into renewable energy sources and he has a realistic, market based approach to capping carbon emissions.
...More importantly, though, Senator Obama talks about the future with a sense of optimism that the other candidates seem to lack.
...Senator Obama is the candidate of optimism and leadership, and he will be getting my personal vote.
While the endorsement for Obama was an easy and obvious choice, on the republican side, it seems TechCrunch went for the lesser (least) evil.
Choosing Senator Obama for our Democrat endorsement was relatively easy. We had a lot more trouble with the Republicans. The trouble comes because, based on their positions on the issues, none of them are the perfect candidate.