Google X

I linked to it yesterday, but there is a big chance that it was missed. Anyway, google put up an alternative version of the their home page, and it was really slick (and even more slick if you know its lineage). But as of this writing, it's no longer accessible (barely a day after going live). Luckily some people were able to mirror it, so again. I present to you:

      Google X (mirror)

("Roses are red. Violets are blue. OS X rocks. Homage to you.")

I'd make it my homepage (and oi pinoi's) in a heartbeat should it go up again.

(there are theories that there are patent infringement issues, that's why it was pulled down. Whether or not Apple Legal had a hand on this, nobody could say for sure as of now)


  1. ambilis nga nawala ng google x. pero mas mabilis ka maghanap ng mirror. ^^

  2. Iba na talaga ang zealot.. :p


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