Sound the Horns...

Microsoft launched a preview of it's own home-grown search technology today. Along side with the launch, the Redmond giant also revamped its MSN search. As Arstechnica reported, the MSN search will still be using Yahoo's Inktomi search engine, however it will now have fewer ads to make the search results cleaner and more user-friendly.

Microsoft's entry to the search arena has been long anticipated by the industry since its presence makes the search engine war a lot more interesting. Having the money and resources, the company can indeed deliver an impact to the industry. It remains to be seen however if they could compete with Google's market and mind share, and its already proven search technology and features. With the impending war it will be the users who will reap the most benefits, as we have already seen in the Web Mail wars. I only hope Microsoft doesn't do something unfair again.

1 comment:

  1. bundled with the search engine is a media player, browser, mail client, bread toaster, stun gun, you name it, microsoft's got it.


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