"Hello... Is anyone here?"

I know. What's the point of making your blog more readable and usable when there's really nothing to read? I've been really busy with many things preparing for the next thing (more on this soon) so i haven't posted here (and will probably remain that way in the next weeks or so).

I've had my own share of unfulfilled blog post promises, so I'm not about to make another. I'm just dropping a note to let my three readers know that this blog is alive, well sort of. :)

No time to blog, so this only means one thing: bullet points..
  • Compiz on Feisty (translation: 3d desktop in Ubuntu) is freaking awesome.
  • Why I want an iPhone? One word: software.
  • My brother and his family just moved to Australia, so the next time we'll see them is three years from now.
  • I'm sure you noticed this before, but the Geek Dash section of my sidebar is actually a feed from my tumblog. (powered by my del.icious, tumblr, this blog (recursive yeah!) and some of the things i stumble upon online)
  • So many things to blog about, so little time before guilt strikes in (for blogging and not working). Have to go kids...
So, till my next update. Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!


  1. Hi. I'm here. :) I'm probably one of your "three" regular readers. Heehee. Blog some more! ;)

  2. Awww.Why am I not surprised to see you here and say that?

    Thanks squashy for the blog luvv. hehehe. Yup, i really plan to blog more often.

    Btw, congrats for the Best in Design win. ;)

  3. Thanks!

    Although when I look at that site now, can't help but cringe. Lots of design and literary booboos everywhere. :)

  4. Eh. That's how we learn. :)


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